Engineering and Business Professors are invited to attend the Minerva Learning ForumsEngineering and Business Professors
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What is Minerva Canada Safety Management Education Inc.?

A non-profit volunteer-run organization, Minerva Canada, aims to be a global leader in health and safety management education by influencing the curriculum of post-secondary institutions to ensure that future business leaders create healthier and safer workplaces.
The only organization of its kind, it:
  • advocates for increased inclusion of health and safety concepts in business and engineering curricula
  • educates the educators by providing business and engineering professors and instructors in universities and colleges with practical, curriculum-ready tools and initiatives
  • forges partnerships with governments, associations and accreditation boards
  • connects educators with Canada’s business enterprises to learn what industry seeks from new graduates entering the workforce and how health and safety management concepts are being applied in the workplace.
All resources and activities are provided free of charge to educators, financially supported by our roster of blue-chip corporate, organizational and government sponsors.

Latest News

2016 Safe Design Awards Contest dates announced
Undergraduate Engineering students enrolled at a Canadian university wishing to enter the 2016 Minerva Safe Design contest should...

Minerva Canada an official partner of CEO Leadership Network
Learn more about the brainchild of founding members Bruce Power, The Conference Board of Canada and Workplace Safety & Prevention Services, the CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network...

Upcoming Events

January 14-16, 2016 Inter-Collegiate Business Competition (I.C.B.C.)
Canada’s premier undergraduate business case competition, Inter-Collegiate Business Competition (I.C.B.C.), finals will be held at Queen’s University. Minerva Canada is the Health and Safety Human Resources event sponsor.

Thank you to all our sponsors